Documenting Your Separation
The date upon which you and your spouse separate and cease living together as a married couple can have significant implications in your divorce. The date of separation affects when ...
The date upon which you and your spouse separate and cease living together as a married couple can have significant implications in your divorce. The date of separation affects when ...
Each state has its own processes, usually a formula, for calculating child support. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, this formula is governed by Virginia Code § 20-108.2. The most important ...
Here in Virginia, we have a part-time legislature that meets to consider and pass laws, typically, for just one thirty-to-sixty-day session per year. Part of our job as attorneys is ...
In the vast majority of circumstances, when a party paying child support and/or spousal support dies, those payments end with the payor’s death. Thus, if you are receiving support, it ...
Many of us get married in a happy cloud of romance without knowledge of or thought about numerous economic consequences of marriage imposed by law. Premarital agreements serve a useful ...
There’s no denying that parenting is difficult. But when the relationship between you and your child’s other parent doesn’t end on good terms, it can be even tougher. Often times ...
The short answer is that, yes, Virginia law does recognize that “non-parents” can play indispensable roles in the lives of children and affords those non-parents the opportunity in some circumstances ...
For the longest time, this was one of the most frustratingly unanswerable questions in family law. If an engagement is broken off before a marriage is consummated, the law of ...
We are all, throughout Virginia and the country, reeling from the consequences of the current public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, and its unprecedented impact on nearly all ...
There are many challenges that come with divorce. From who keeps the house, to who receives alimony, the financial impact is quite significant. However, one of the biggest concerns for ...