After you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s normal to be dealing with a lot of stress and aggravation. But on top of all of that, you may also find yourself trying to dodge calls from the other party’s insurance company. Insurance adjusters will try to get in contact with you. But before you pick up the phone and have a conversation, it’s important that you understand what you should and should not say to them. Here are 5 things to know before speaking with an insurance adjuster.
1. Ask for their information.
Prior to speaking with an adjuster (or anyone from the insurance company for that matter), it’s important to obtain their information. This includes their name, number, address, and the name of the insurance company. It’s also important that you confirm the name of the individual on behalf of whom the company is calling.
2. Don’t share too much information.
Sometimes we all just need a little compassion and a little validation. When we’re injured we want to know that others care. However, insurance companies and adjusters are not there to be your friend – as caring as they may seem. You should set expectations by letting the adjuster know what you will and will not be speaking about. Be sure to only share the basics of the accident. This includes when and where the accident occurred, as well as the type of accident that occurred. Since many injuries may not appear immediately, it’s best to not share details too soon.
3. Don’t consent to being recorded.
Many times the adjuster whom you are speaking with will request your permission to record the conversation. He or she may try to make you feel comfortable with the prospect by painting a picture that it’s for your protection. However, it is important that you decline to being recorded since a lot of what you say can be used against you.
4. Don’t settle right away.
After you’ve been in an accident, you may be inundated with increasing medical bills and lost wages. For these reasons a settlement offer from the insurance company may seem like an oasis in a sea of never-ending financial issues. However, it’s important that you understand that insurance companies will want to pay out as little money to you as possible. When you combine that with the fact that many injuries don’t arise for weeks or even months, accepting a settlement too soon can end up with you receiving far less than you deserve.
5. Consult with a qualified personal injury attorney.
There’s no doubt that dealing with insurance companies is often a stressful experience. But when you are already dealing with many other difficulties such as physical, emotional, and financial injuries, it only compounds the aggravation. Many insurance companies will often take advantage of your lack of knowledge and fail to inform you of your rights. By consulting with a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney, he or she can help to make a tough situation easier.
Surovell Isaacs & Levy PLC Help Those in VA Who Have Been Injured in an Accident
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to the fault of someone else, it can have a big impact on your life – physically, emotionally, and especially financially. That is why you deserve an experienced personal injury attorney who understands the law and knows how it works. Partnering with such an attorney can help to gather the requested police reports and medical records. It is important to have someone in your corner – especially to deal with insurance companies.
At Surovell Isaacs & Levy PLC, we understand and have empathy for those dealing with divorce. We work with our clients to ensure that they get what they deserve. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!
Posted in: Personal Injury